Anne Marie Notarthomas
Sustainable Syracuse Member Since 2020Contact Information
O: (315) 278-3728E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Personal - Company
317 Clover Ridge Drive
Syracuse, NY 13206
Business Information
Founded in 2011Business Category: Website Development and Design; Email Marketing; Social Media
eKamria works with small and mid-size businesses, organizations and non-profits to develop their websites and assist them with their Internet marketing needs.
Services offered include:
- Website development and design
- Social media site development
- Social media marketing
- Email marketing
- Content development
- Fundraising consulting for nonprofits
We operate with the belief that technology's purpose is to provide value, whether to cut costs, make something possible or open up new opportunities. Our goal is to find that value for the clients eKamria serves.
eKamria hosts our website and those we host using Hostgator. Hostgator has been recognized as a green host since 2008, when they switched to wind power by purchasing Renewable Energy Credits for 130% of the power needed to run and cool their servers - having an environmental impact that is carbon-reducing, not just carbon-neutralizing. They also provide suggestions for making websites more eco-friendly.
eKamria's owner, Anne Notarthomas, has long been involved personally with sustainability. She was an early owner of a hybrid Pruis, having to wait 9 months for delivery and ignore all the warnings about the "expensive to replace" battery. (There have been no regrets - car and battery going strong for 15+ years so far!)